Monday 26 May 2014

Hair Loss and Insensitive Jokes

If you are balding or have thinning hair it’s highly likely that you’ve been subjected to the odd tasteless joke and tacky innuendo.

These clichéd jokes and insensitive labels, about a disorder which affects up to 70 per cent of men and 50 per cent of women at some stage of their lives, are simply dismissed as harmless banter.

But, according to a leading researcher and hair restoration specialist these remarks can exacerbate the feelings of vulnerability, loss of self identity and self esteem that hair loss can evoke.

The psychological effects of hair loss, particularly among young men, are greatly underestimated says renowned hair restoration physician Dr Jennifer Martinick.

Dr Jennifer Martinick, the 2012 president of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), says feelings of isolation, depression and poor self esteem are common among men with male pattern baldness.

“I’ve come across situations where some men, particularly young men, are so deeply depressed about their hair loss that they stop socialising and taking part in any activities that will put them in the spotlight,” Dr Martinick says.

“This limits their quality of life and often prevents them from achieving their potential in their personal and working lives.”

Dr Martinick, has spent many years refining the Martinick Transplant Technique ™ - a transplant technique that is internationally recognised as the gold standard in hair transplants.

Martinick Hair Restoration’s physician says proven treatments for hair loss include clinically approved oral medications, topical solutions, low frequency laser therapy and a hair transplant.

Transplanting different groupings of hair follicles together – something unique to the Martinick Transplant Technique ™ - has the advantage of creating a more natural and denser looking head of hair.

Dr Martinick says many of her patients tell her they view permanent hair restoration as a valuable personal investment in themselves that will pay lasting dividends.

She says along with the obvious benefits of having their hair permanently restored, patients speak about other changes they have made in their lives. 

“It’s amazing to hear the many stories that patients share,” Dr Martinick says.

‘Patients have spoken about going back to study, finding life-long partners or starting up successful new business ventures.”  

Dr Martinick says a common problem among young men with male pattern baldness is they often don’t notice the early stages of hair loss.

She advises these men to seek treatment as early as possible to prevent further hair loss and, in the event that they may eventually choose to have a hair transplant, ensure they preserve precious donor follicles.

While there has been remarkable evolution of hair transplants over the past decade, it is important to be aware that not all hair transplants are the same, Dr Martinick says.

She advises anyone considering a hair transplant to conduct thorough research before committing to surgery.

For enquiries phone (08) 9389 6000 or visit

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Dr Martinick - Choosing a hair restoration doctor

Dr Martinick advises patients, when choosing a hair restoration clinic,  it is critical to conduct extensive research about the surgical techniques used by the physician as well as the clinical procedures for staff - including the cleaning and sterilization of instruments.

Martinick Hair Restoration’s Dr Jennifer Martinick said while thorough research was important wherever surgery was conducted, extreme caution was needed by those who were considering travelling overseas for surgery.

Dr Martinick, the immediate past president of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), said Australians were increasingly taking the risk of going overseas for cheaper cosmetic procedures. 

She said there were important questions to raise when considering options for  cheaper hair transplant surgery in some other countries.

Instead of just comparing price, it was important to consider a broad range of other factors including the safety and sterilisation practices of the clinic, the experience of the surgeon, the surgeon’s qualifications and experience and their commitment to ongoing training.

Dr Martinick said it was crucial to ask to speak to former patients and see the results that had been achieved for them.

While travelling to some countries for surgery could certainly result in a significantly cheaper transplant, it was important to remember that many of these countries placed fewer regulations on doctors and clinics.

Dr Martinick said key factors to consider for those who chose to have surgery overseas were the availability of ongoing after care and the additional risk of travelling after a surgical procedure. 
If something went wrong, patients would have fewer legal rights and entitlements, she said.
This was significantly different from clinics in Australia which were subject to many layers of control through the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Patients should ask themselves if the doctor was legitimate, how long the physician had been performing transplants for and they should also ask about the doctor’s approach to a transplant, Dr Martinick said

“Prospective patients must make sure the surgeon is committed to the highest clinical procedures and to providing patients with a natural looking transplant,” Dr Martinick said.

Dr Martinick said while performing a natural looking hair transplant looked deceptively easy, there were still too many examples around the world of inferior work.

She said sub par transplants continued to be a problem and this was often due to inexperience of the surgeon, poor technique, poor quality control in surgery and failing to properly plan surgery.
“Research, research and research, Dr Martinick said.

“You would do plenty of due diligence for so many other areas of life.
“A hair transplant is in such a highly visible area and the patient has to live with the consequences, good or bad, for a very long time.

“One should never take surgery lightly.”